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a bit about me:

I am a recent Global Studies B.A. graduate, with a minor in Professional Writing. As a past intern at local nonprofits and current job-seeker, I hope to continue to work in progressive organizations where I can execute my creativity and share my voice. I'm a sucker for working closely with words. Reading, writing, transcribing, translating—and especially editing—pieces are my guilty pleasures and favorite skills to utilize.


Through writing and other art mediums, I plan to combat social inequities in our communities. Goals that I hold close to my heart and want to work towards achieving include solving inequities within the education system, creating representative media and books for children and young adults, and providing nontraditional, welcoming community spaces outside of classrooms. One of my many dreams includes writing diverse, representative, and inclusive curriculum for K-12, and I hope to one day publish U.S. history textbooks that are multifaceted and not Eurocentric. 

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